What are the Best Trees for Privacy and Screening in Your Yard

The best trees for privacy and screening in your backyard offer a wonderful feeling of seclusion. Of course, this also extends to the front yard. These trees can serve as more than an ornamental benefit. They can provide valuable structure and year-round interest in the garden, also helping to separate garden “rooms”.

While fencing and walls are great for privacy and security, ‘natural’ barriers or ‘living walls’ like trees and shrubs can be an undeniably attractive option. They are beautiful to look at as well as functional for improving your landscape and the health of your front or backyard and lawn. These trees can also become focal points and conversation starters. Screening trees have a higher canopy so that they can accommodate fences or walls.

The best trees for privacy and screening will generally have a bushy, evergreen consistency regardless of whether you’re keeping neighbors from peeking in you in your yard or want to hide an eyesore of a neighborhood home or ugly building. If you can, it makes sense to plant a variety of screening trees. You may want to use fruit trees or trees that bloom with lovely flowers for aesthetic and other purposes.

Before you plant those trees, please do your research and consider the following:

  1. Make sure the soil type in your back or front yard is suitable for the tree(s) you choose
  2. Know the maximum height the tree(s) will grow to. Please look at the spread of roots to ensure that it will not impact drainage or foundations of buildings nearby.
  3. Consider the growth rate of the tree. If you need screening or privacy immediately, don’t opt for a slow-growing tree.
  4. Understand whether the screening trees will need protection from the wind, and
  5. Know what maintenance is required for the tree(s) so you can take excellent care of them and have them around for a long time.

Some of the best trees for privacy and screening include:

English, or Common, Yew (Taxus Baccata): This classic evergreen is elegant and long-lived. It rejuvenates itself remarkably well if pruned in early Spring. The yew is one of the best trees for privacy. You can plant it en masse to create hedging. The tree can grow up to 40 feet (12 meters) tall. It thrives in free-draining soil and can tolerate sun or shade. Some varieties will also produce red berries, which wildlife absolutely love.

Italian Cypress (Cupressus Sempervirens): This Mediterranean tree can screen for tall buildings at the back of your backyard. It’s hardy and beautiful. The tall, slender trees can add dramatic height to a boundary, driveway or path and, with their dense foliage, they are among the best trees for screening if neighbors can look into your yard. The Italian Cypress is very easy to grow. They only need an occasional clipping to keep them in good shape. They can shoot up to three feet yearly, reaching a maximum height of 70 feet (30 meters).

Bamboo (Phyllostachys or Fargesia): Bambo, which is technically a grass, has some larger varieties which are tree-like and effective for both screening and privacy. Bamboo can be both tough and easy to grow. If you’re “space-strapped” the bamboo can help because its both thin and tall.  They also don’t need to be pruned or trimmed so they’re incredibly low-maintenance. Bamboo also grows pretty quickly and is very sturdy and strong.

Of course, there are other trees and shrubs that would help provide privacy and screening in your yard. We just wanted to give you a taste today. We hope you come back to read more of our articles and enjoy the tree news we bring to you from around the world.